It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money. 还好他采用了直接征税而不是间接征税的手段来筹集资金。
Perfect the local taxation base by gradually raising the share of direct taxation. 完善地方税体系,逐步提高直接税比重。
Direct taxation is taxation, the effect of which is intended to be born by the person or organization that pays it. 直接税是征税,其结果是预期由付税的个人或机构承担。
Direct taxation is always based upon income. 直接税通常以收入为依据。
The government obtains revenue through direct taxation and indirect taxation. 政府通过直接课税和间接课税而获得岁入。
The UK government prefers the model of a direct taxation of bank assets. 英国政府更倾向于对银行资产直接征税的模式。
Taxes are mainly of two types: direct taxation and indirect taxation. 税收主要有两种:直接税和间接税。
The impact of taxation on foreign direct investments depends not only on the taxation policies of host countries but also on those of foreign investors ′ countries. 税收对外国直接投资(FDI)的影响不仅取决于东道国的税收政策,还依赖于外商居住国的税制状况。
Viewing the Reform Trend of China's Individual Direct Tax System in Light of Theory of Optimal Taxation 从优化税制看我国个人直接税制改革走向
Positive analysis of relationship between domestic capital flight foreign direct investment and favorable taxation policy in China 中国的资本外逃、外国直接投资与政策优惠
The thesis makes overall research on the taxation of Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI) in China based on the Theory of Optimal Taxation. 本文以西方税制优化理论为理论基础,从我国外资战略调整与税制优化的新视角,对我国现行外商直接投资的税收制度进行全面研究。
The answer to the funds is the input and the policies that could have direct impacts on the hydroelectric development, such as taxation during the construction, final settlement for expected completion and electricity price of power network. 直接影响水电发展的政策主要有:建设期的税费政策、实行预竣工决算政策和上网电价问题。
As for the beneficiary characteristics of housing, governments usually participate in housing finance through direct and indirect ways such as taxation, subsidiary, guarantee and loan, but the tendency is market-orientation and indirect ways. 由于住房的福利性,政府在住房金融中通过税收、补贴、担保、提供贷款等间接或直接方式参与住房金融,但市场化取向和间接方式是趋势。
Inclined to the direct preferential tax-rate of our country, we should advise government to weak direct taxation preference and take indirect taxation preference policy to bring about an advance in high-tech industry of our country, such as accelerated depreciation, and specific capital reserve etc. 针对我国现行税收优惠政策倾向直接优惠的方式,以及借鉴发达国家普遍采取的间接优惠措施,建议政府应该弱化优惠税率等直接优惠方式,更多的采用加速折旧和特定准备金等间接优惠方式。
The direct driving force in supporting the development of the New Energy Vehicles industry is the national policy, particularly the fiscal and taxation policies. 新能源汽车产业发展的直接推动力就是国家的政策扶持,尤其是国家财税政策的扶持对促进我国新能源汽车产业的发展起到了重要的作用。
Tax regulation mechanism has its unique advantages, wide field, diversification, low cost, and direct punishment, these advantages make the taxation can effectively stimulate the development of service economy. 税收的调控机制具有其独特优势,作用领域宽、方式多样化、成本低、除用于鼓励外还可用于直接惩罚等,这些优点使得税收可以有效刺激服务经济的发展。
The basic level of Local Tax Department, as a direct supplier of taxation service, plays a crucial role in the reform of taxation service. 基层地税部门作为地税系统纳税服务的直接提供方,在纳税服务改革中的地位尤为重要。
As an important branch of direct taxation law, individual income tax laws of European Union Member States have not been positively harmonized yet. 个人所得税法作为直接税法的重要分支,在欧盟范围内还没有统一。
Personal income tax is a direct taxation to personal income tax. 个人所得税是一种针对个人收入的直接税收。
Sixthly, by applying multi-objective decision analysis method, this dissertation constructs an AHP model for tax planning of foreign direct investment location choice, with which the optimal location choice can be made while considering many factors of taxation. 应用多目标决策分析方法,提出了跨国投资地点选择纳税筹划的层次分析结构模型,从而可综合考虑多种税制因素以确定出最佳跨国投资地点。